The Dance of the Dragon & the Doe
This is my first completed drawing for the 2017 year, it was dreamt down back in December of the previous year to which I might add my goal was to have this finished by that following month to which point, clearly, I have missed that mark. Nigh shy of four months of laborious effort through days & nights this illustrious drawing of mine represents the very first moments I became conscientious of what I was dreaming, goodness knows why except for when I awoke, I knew I had to keep drawing and get this done. Typed out below are the devilish details of said dream.
The Dream dreamt of in December done demanded in typical fashion, true to the dragon form, of nothing less than total and complete realization - to become a work of art. In my heart and mind's desire was the lingering knowledge that to go over the edge in making a leap of faith there might be a connection between worlds, between dreams.
So, the way it began how I experienced it was in anticipation not for the newly christened solar cycle becoming reality, but for a series of challenges that would beckon completion prior to. That I would draw unto the lasting moment of 2016, drawing diligently until I might be freed from the calls of duty. Alas, the challenge was to finish two other illustrations in time for illumination, at a timely price... There in the sky there you would see it - the two of them flying so high above that you wouldn't be able to discern which one of them was doing the chasing. If you happened to notice the bird in the background, use that for vantage point reference. Dropping down though the clouds was the Doe none to shortly floored by the Dragon in a wisp of a race between the air of the night, despite the daylight undermoon. Sometimes the Dragon would be in front, at other times the Doe would take lead, but the rip-roaring maw with its teeth of the dragon's jaw satiated different desires. Although, I couldn't tell you how it ended, the chase may still very well be going on. At the point of view of the bird, I could see of all the mountains asunder and a man farther out of frame and out of view therefor who was only where he was to answer the question of if there was anybody else there? Apart from that, whence upon becoming first conscious of my dreaming I made ways for interpreting another layer to the dream - that it was all the happenings of a movie theater. There were rows of rows in what seemed an orpheum of an audience leaving me wondering oh where oh where I might be of these many heads. In the second row of the central column of viewers ,(there were three sided by side) there I was in the chair cozied up to the walk-way. There even was a second floor of viewers who all joined in the playing of this apparent dream chase going on. Everyone appeared to be experiencing it differently and there I found myself also having fun. In these moments I finally asked: "if I am the dragon, who is the doe?" So it would be that somebody was already talking to her, as she was still playing the game and was getting good at it, too, as she took lead. This part in the dream is where I would set down the controller to go over and talk and take the seat next over and continue playing along side this other player who was putting on to quote, quite a chase. Only at this moment when I about to say something, any thing that might resemble a hellow or hulloh, even a hi or how-do-you-do, nothing would manifest as no sound seemed to speak from me. My lips sealed, time was not on my side as time was soon freezing everything in place like an unannounced annulment of actuality. It would seem this is where the dream really takes hold of me and begins to unravel by travelling backwards though time, in my actions back tracking to my seat to sit down and replay all that had happened right up to before the game had even begun. At this point, the game goes back to its beginnings by fading to black on the big screen before all the controllers are rehung by the players and then go back to being people in throws of crowds who moonwalk out in synchronicity, with myself included, exiting out into the lobby. That's where I remember seeing other people I knew, who, I could not talk to for through time there I was going backwards. Having left the theater room, no longer the game being played, there was me caught in this time show of a VHS dream like someone had hit rewind directly on my brain. In the happenings of this dream though, passing by was a convenience stand of candies and popped corn alike with everything in between you could ask for, the clerk handing the customer what was wanted, and there was myself still in reverse. The point of no return was reached, so soon would I be waking up, although I would have to continue to walk backwards and arriving at last to this other set of doors that would be the entrance to this theater and that, past the counter and clergy of customers aligned, would be my exit. I woke up back in reality for sake and sound that I knew I had to draw this central image. It wasn't even Christmas, though this dream would be gift enough for wut it's worth.