Hello Darkness, my old friend
This is the drawing that you would have seen if you were present to my Emerging Indigenous Artshow in its time last July of 2016. At that, this was tucked away to a corner whereupon your gaze would be set on this last drawing on your way out - it was tacked up by the entrance that became the exit as you'd leave. I don't think this was the first ever of drawing from my dreams, yet I'm having difficulty identifying another drawing ever properly sketched from my slumberous scenes. These dreams of mine, the ones that truly doth terrify and tear into the fabric reality itself, show off in the subtlest of ways. Try as I may to recall, this creature and its 'nightmare' (as others would call it) from which it came might find origin within my thoughts, daydreams, and even dark dreams. Like a dwarf to work, I doth dream. Deep, O am I to go, to be free'd, O woe, O woe. Dark, O dirt dug so deep, O woe, O woe without a peep.

In this dream, for what I can relay from my memory jog, it's me running down a brick road. It's like an industrial era shanty slums of a would-be Victorian epoch setting, only all background. There's nothing but facades and other fronts for buildings that won't let me in. I'm like Tiny Tim from a Christmas Carole, and this embodiment of darkness is hunting down street per street for me alone. Only I'm not. There's another version of me, in the dream as Tiny Tim, and sure enough in a lighter shade. He leads me to a factory with chimney stacks located at the edge of town, away from the monster and the town it's ransacking for naught. The sky is blotched with murkened clouds and even the blue itself is bleak. As the large doors to the factory house are being pushed open by my tiny self, in the dream the other version of me in a lighter shade gestures with a wave to keep moving by climbing up - the darkness monster can feel out living things and would be here no more momentarily than I could climb beams. So I wait until the monster goes away. It knows how close I am, but can't see. It only feels and right there in that moment all that could be felt were the footsteps of past. The darkness couldn't help to think of growing a pair of eyeballs to see, being so hungry and deprived. It, was really an amalgamation of little monsters and dark mites that had banded together to create this monster to come after me. Waiting in the dark, looking below at this thing search the ground floor, smashing crates and boxes, was spine chilling, even remembering back to it is not something I do fondly, and would leave it to no one.
After a while, my other self of a lighter shade suggested he jump down, and I should jump up to escape. I was curious by what he meant of 'jumping up' but would be finding out soon enough. Jumping down from the ceiling beams of the building, he landed directly on the skull beast, and I jumped up, up, up and out through the chimney to escape my dream scene and wake. Awoken. At home. In bed.