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There will be blood when the hands of the doomsday clock does stop at midnight. When the wrongs are righted by the mighty in light of a world gone dark - without any means to electricity, town after town shall paint red. The alternatives of energy production for society-at-large have been painted as a big target - a danger to established business-as-usual with crude oil - the black gold - in check as king. Many people today naively view humanity in the likes of cancers, viruses, and biological terrors struck upon this earth with no cure asides from impending death. To leave it better than we came unto - impossible they say, as this world and its economy has certainly seen a lot in our ecology to survive as a people of this earth. Truly it is a despicable act against nature to view any people as a crime against humanity in their pursuit of survival against the forces of nature... Popular today is the motif of stewardship over lands concerning First Nations. Not intending to speak on behalf of any nations, tribes, and/or families of indigenous decent to the lands, waters, and skies, but we are still here as a people divided by the periodical, political problems of our own - let alone globalism. We the people used to be a people. Now, in the digital age, many of us are individuals who are then associated with collectives under a process of ones and zeroes. A signature and a salute to be sold sign off at the firing squad of social convention, when no amount of shares will save any one soul. So while others might remember the times of late and how great they were when unquestioned, in retrospect know that a soldier sold a part of themselves to the system, etc. but a warrior knows when to make war. Unfortunate as this seems, the truth to the matter is not who - but what gets out alive. Conc3rning the Dakota Access Pipe Line, it is a pipe dream, quite literally. So many pipe lines have been laid almost overtly so that there are an overly amount left unattended. In a world of alternative energy solutions, a world where people have lived before electricity, is it too late to look back for a breath? Thusly I'd clamor that oil isn't forever, and that the ouroboros of oil empires is finally coming to breath. This is the OILboros and it will be dismantled in eventuality with the reality of energy alternatives. Gunnal'chish - Merci - Thank you

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