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Ending in Era

I remember an artist just telling me that eventually, my skill set will specialize. In due time, I would choose a path. Trying to put my troubles behind me like crimes only locked away in your mind living nightmares all the time. But that's on the down-low, y'know. On with the show. This post's picture may seem familiar to you familiars of my work; it was and is the reference for a triplet series of portrait paintings discerning this very flower. The other day, another artist admirably creating pantribal style drawing of an eagle in the shape of the cupid heart. Wonderfully inked in colours. His advice was a simplistic warning: overthinking.

My advice is to be able to take care of yourself, unlike this poor rose, now long withered away untouched by its keepers. So it is that my skill set shall discipline itself unto a sharp and efficient skill. One that will not waste away.|| = = a life lived for art is never wasted - -

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