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Pasts and Futurisms; the Gift of the Present.

Here left in a raft of meaning are my two piece, two hundred word statements on the pasts and future of first nations (indigenous) peoples everywhere. The image of self-photography exemplifies today's native indian. In the vein of these typings I aim to alleviate stigmas and illuminate sterotypes concerning then, today, and tomorrow's indigenous scenarios, respect to all my relations & ancestors.

Through the eyes of Death does one see the meaning of Life.

"Through the eyes of Death does one see the meaning of Life." FN_PASTS____________________________________________________________________________________________ When Fascism was invented in the Holy Roman Catholic Empire, the symbol chosen was an axe blade held onto its handle by a band of sticks. Their weapon of choice offered the tribes of Europe two choices: become decimated, or be assimilated into their ranks. When the early Colonies of Europe first settled on this half of the earth, it was fascism that they brought with them. That banded axe made of other sticks came to collect as much as it could bear so as to remake itself time over again. By the end of it all, we learned about ourselves that not all were meant for the axe; neither by its handle nor its blade - both could be put down, never to be picked up again. When the Nazis bathed Europe in blood, it was for the sake a strong identity, banded together by produce of a superior sense of security for the seldom few. All who did not fall in line had been felled by the sordid affairs of then-times, and although the axis had been defeated, its weapon - fascism - had been claimed by its victors. FN_FUTURISMS______________________________________________________________________________________ There are those of us with good governance and there are the rest of us who contend with government gone too far. Some of us lack faith in a greater power, but not in a creative spirit. Those of us At-Risk, those of us who are inner city are in equal regards with the world as those of us who are On Reserve, or the few on the land. Our emotional relationship with the crown will be restored at once as our physical connection to the spirit realm has been remade. The gains by our mental access will be immeasurable beyond the treaties, the securities, and indebtedness of others. For the reakoning of our old world chimes on the heels of today's new world order. When the few benefit from the many where justice is blind and the end is always nigh. When the cement goes cold and the green growth returns, the old ways will be remembered by the women as the young men venture onwards home. We, The Original People, the True People, the People of the Tides; The Hills; and Skies reawaken as our ways are reborn - our stories relearned - our traditions remastered. Since the truth shall set you free, this cycle of reconciliation is being made complete. As we listen to the past, it is the present that is lost; as we look into the future, it is the present that finds you; and as we learn towards the present, we all walk the red road well paved.

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