Please Stand By 3, 2, 1...
What is self worth through survival? if not by accomplishments then tied to any other means?
Self love through a realized self that collects dust on the shelf like a well earned trophy..... Art really is quite useless. Actions are of another caliber all together, and it is such that gives value to the artwork in the first place. Otherwise I'd insist in a frenzy of finding the foolish and fun for the fires of rapture... ...If you can't think outside the box, then find a bigger box. So it is that we must stand by readily ever vigilant. In the instance of existential institutionalism, the demand to say goodbye to the old world in place of the new is ever a challenge when the echoes of the old lament onwards with every guiding step, onwards towards the golden gleam in the dark that might just cast light to whole of my situation. Long online, narratively given to the crowds and viewers who are you and me, and that makes a we. Might we find peace among the wars, and art among the worlds. For the world will not be destroyed yet by evil men, but rather by those who idly stand by and watch and do nothing.