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A Wolf among Sheaths

Lately, as I am, there's been a difficulty in adapting towards my destined outcome, with so many duly expectations upon my shoulders, frustration boils. The point of unmaking being behind me, my life is now about holding on. Long in the making have my efforts driven me to these moments I contemplate. Worthy of celebration, certainly, but to take the time to smell the preverbal roses amidst the rushing race of humanity would leave me to the dusks and skulls. Crowds gather to my arts, and yet I cannot continue with them least they speak on my level. It's as if I have to talk down or talk up to everyone else. The fair plane of existence I find myself experiencing is often empty of envy, the enthusiasm comes in enjoyment of others in their disembodiment. When people find themselves on my level, usually I am showered in compliments for my artworks. Being emerging, being indigenous, being an artist usually sets yourself apart from the common crowds of questions for the political fields. Something I like to consider when I experiencing art (be it my own or others) is: is this political or decoration? Most would not hinder on the thought for interpretation and instead ask to the artist, directly cutting through the metaphorical bubble thoughts of other interpretations. Does anybody make real shit anymore?

"The Abyss Gazes" C.2016

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