Night types
Today's typings, or actually tonight's typings are of a mear smear for what I want to convey. Perhaps that is for the best. My conversations as of late are taking a darker turn into a dismal territory. To my own success I have had an art showing of all my major works, and yet...
With so much going on, waking up to the world by becoming more aware and older in my senses; it's still so difficult to place trust distilled inside my damning/dreaming eye. My artist eyes. The way I am able to see things is becoming something of an unstoppable force destined to meet an unmovable object.
There is all so much to do and many people I wish I could be with. That's how I see it. Nowhere in the world could you find enough of both to be in balance with those two. If there could be two of me here and now, I would need to have a twin brother. I don't suppose a clone would be much of an answer to that either/

I hope you have enjoyed my writings on the wall. This is a photograph of my Emerging Indigenous Artshow, all setup after long last.