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Emerging Indigenous Artshow

1.The Heart of a Nation

1.The Heart of a Nation

2.Totem Grass

2.Totem Grass



4.Bad Spirits

4.Bad Spirits

5.The Abyss Gazes

5.The Abyss Gazes

6.The Ties that Bind

6.The Ties that Bind

7.We Were Warriors

7.We Were Warriors



9.The Darker Side of the Moon

9.The Darker Side of the Moon

10. What Death does @ the end of day

10. What Death does @ the end of day

11.Happy After All

11.Happy After All

12.Up & Over

12.Up & Over

13.A Calling to Action

13.A Calling to Action

14.Shock & Awe

14.Shock & Awe

15.Draw Me like a Yukon Girl

15.Draw Me like a Yukon Girl

16.Similar Opposites

16.Similar Opposites

These pieces herein that lie are what my efforts have amalgamated upto this point.
It was July 2016 when I had my first art show, these are the artworks that I demonstrated.
Out of the fifteen total pieces, each belong to a set series that personify the Emerging that is myself (1-5), the issues faced by Indigenous people (6-8), and creative versus destructive forces of the Artistic realm (9-16), thus it is an authentic experience of an Emerging Indigenous Artshow.

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